Our Lord’s Sufferings

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
will draw all things to Myself.” John 12:32

“The Cross ended the tolerance extended to the “prince of this world,” or Satan, who exercised dominion over man. The Cross would finally convince man of sin, as law or ethics could never do. It would show what sin really is: the Crucifixion of Divine Goodness in the flesh; but it would show them also Who forgives sin, namely the One they lifted up, even to heaven, to make intercession for men. The Throne erected for Our Lord by men would show the hostility and the reign of evil in their hearts, but it would also show that He was not of the earth. His regnancy would be from a higher sphere of heaven where he would draw His subjects to Him and become the “Lord of all.” What Our Lord said that day–that evil would be finally overcome in Him, through the Cross.” Fulton Sheen, Life Of Christ

Our Lady of Lourdes

“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.'” John 2: 1-11

Today, it seems the healing that is most needed is in the sphere of the “will” — to overcome bad will (rebellion), and surrender our will — to that of the Lord. Only then are we capable of growing in holiness, and being transformed.

Baptism of Jesus

“And Peter opening his mouth, said: In very deed I perceive, that God is not a respecter of persons.

But in every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh justice, is acceptable to Him.

God sent the word to the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (He is Lord of all.)

You know the word which hath been published through all Judea: for it began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached,

Jesus of Nazareth: how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit, and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Acts 10: 34-38

Today, in the Church, those “oppressed by the devil” include people old and young mandated to be vaccinated, often times by others in the Church.

For anyone suffering from Covid, the flu, or just a cold, relief and protection can be found in a Pepper & Ginger cocktail. Create Pepper Juice by blending (in a blender) HOT peppers with apple cider vinegar, water and salt. Strain out the seeds and combine with Ginger tea, Maple Syrup and Lemon.

Krystyna and I both recovered from Covid, with the help of grace and plenty of the P&G treatment.

Vaccine Mandates

Vaccine mandates are irrational and immoral and very much indicative of the surreal hellscape that Americans are fashioning for themselves. Even an ardent secularist (guided by natural law) can see the wickedness of vaccine mandates, but certainly an authentic worshiper, guided by the Holy Sprit should know better.

Those who want to know what the Heavenly Father thinks about vaccine mandates can reflect on the words of the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje this month:

“Because God is love and freedom, therefore, little children, when they want to put you in bonds and to use you, it is not from God.”

Hochul’s Hokum

“I need you to be my apostles.” Gov. Hockul

New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul addressed a Christian mega-church in Brooklyn, this past Sunday, with clams that the Covid-19 vaccine is “from God to us and we must say, thank you, God. Thank you.” She went on to say “All of you, yes. I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.”

Replacing the word “God” with “Satan” might be closer her actual meaning.

The vaccines offer no guarantees except that people “won’t die from Covid” – if they are vaccinated. And yet, thousands of people have in fact died from the vaccines, according to the CDC. The vaccine mandate (without exemptions) is evil, as was Hochul’s message — fraught with deception, division and death.

In some instances the State is allowing for religious exemptions but local religious leaders have said they will not support members of their flock in seeking them. This too is unjust, and such leaders should, themselves, not be supported.

The challenge for Catholics going forward is to be faithful to the Lord and His commands — and be fed by the sacraments, all while navigating around various Church leaders who seem hell-bent.

After the Flood

A Catholic church in Queens, NY disposed of this painting, of Pope Saint John Paul II, after it had been damaged in Hurricane Ida flooding in September.

Upon getting the painting home and leaning it against the wall of our apartment, we noticed multiple mini (light spectrum) rainbows appear on the work.

The painting had been made to commemorate Pope St. John Paul II’s 1997 trip to the Divine Mercy shrine in Poland, and depicted the rays emanating in the famous Divine Mercy painting — bathing him in light.

The mini rainbows on the painting that day may have been a wink from heaven, but by way of some crystal objects that happened to be in the vicinity of the work.

Recall the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man, which John Paul II wrote so eloquently about in various publications, including his Catechesis on the Holy Spirit (1996).